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An accredited professional development program for health professionals. |
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Join the Ninja Nerd Medicine lecture on Rheumatic fever... |
How can I look after my house to keep my family healthy? Developed by community workers and Champions4Change, this flipchart is designed as a tool... |
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This video is designed for health care workers who require an introductory knowledge of the prevention of ARF and RHD and is the first video in... |
Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not just the absence of disease or infirmity. And good health is something... |
This video is designed for health care workers who require an introductory knowledge of the prevention of ARF and RHD and is the final video in... |
This poster and video have been developed to provide an overview of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease for people working... |
Training tool: Australian recommendations for the antibiotic treatment of sore throats in people at risk of ARF. |
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Training tool: Australian recommendations for the antibiotic treatment of skin sores in people at risk of ARF. |
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Management (video) of rheumatic heart disease: part 5 of the... |
Introduction (video) to secondary prophylaxis and rheumatic heart disease control programs: part 4 of the... |
Overview (video) of how RHD affects the heart: part 3 of the... |
Introduction (video) to the diagnosis of ARF in Australia: part 2 of the... |
Introduction (video) to ARF and RHD in Australia: part 1 of the... |
This A4 flyer is a visual reminder of the actions they can do to keep a strong body and strong heart. It is also a reminder about when to go to... |
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