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RHD Australia

Fact Checked Policy

What Fact Checked Means?

We are committed to providing information that adheres to the highest editorial standards for sourcing and accuracy. Clinical content on this site is reviewed by members of our Editorial Team. All content on this website adheres to the following standards:

  1. Epidemiological studies and research papers must be from reputable and relevant peer-reviewed journals or academic associations, and referenced accordingly.
  2. Reference to organisations in news articles must include links to the organisation/website. 
  3. Clinical resources hosted on this site must align with current national best practice (or best practice in the country of origin, and be referenced accordingly (where indicated). 
  4. Content directed towards Aboriginal and Strait Islander peoples must be respectful and honest, and include warnings related to images and voices of potentially deceased persons (where indicated).
  5. Potential conflicts of interest related to a study or source must be clearly defined.
Fact checked? 
Last updated 
15 December 2022